Skill Set.

& Knowledge.


The right plant, the right place is the cardinal rule of planting design, which naturally leads to better performance, reduced maintenance, fewer pests and diseases, fewer infrastructure conflicts.

Knowing plants and understanding their needs, including the soil they grow in, is incremental to the successful growing of a garden.

The follow-on from this is art: getting the right combination of plants working together using colours and textures that compliment, ones that contrast, using plants that are wild or romantic contrasting against more formal, manicured and neat shapes of others.

Seeing pleasing rhythms, threads and shapes flowing throughout a garden is when a garden starts to sing. But this takes time, patience and understanding.

Landscape Design.

We aim for designs that are timeless; for gardens that grow gracefully without confirming to a particular style. We believe gardens need be enduring places of unique and simple beauty that deliver on aesthetic and practical levels.

We aim for all our landscape designs to exhibit these design principles: unity, simplicity, balance, proportion, interesting sight lines & focal points and rhythm & repetition. In addition to these our focus is also on embracing the context of a site and its environmental factors incorporating sustainable methods which take into consideration many factors: such as sun & shade, heat absorption, winds, use of materials and the movement of water through the site.

Every garden also has its own character: an inherent ambience, mood or presence. Some characters are obvious as they are already present, and this is when we build up the character. Sometimes a character of a garden is hidden and waiting to be discovered. Often, we work on new building sites where the character needs to be unearthed—this requires the collaboration of clients, architects and the people who are doing the installation.

A recognition of these traits is what makes our designs unique to their location and environment, and the people that they are built for.


Drawings are the catalyst for ensuring that all elements are accounted for and that what is designed is achievable and doable.

It also ensures that the landscape construction will move ahead in a planned manner, resulting in the intended design ethos without sacrificing the essence originally planned.

Different documentation is provided for different needs and different stages, from concept planning to legislative requirements (such as DAs and CDCs) and technical construction drawings.

All our artists’ impressions and plans are professionally produced and drawn to scale. Plans and technical drawings are drawn on CAD and supplied digitally.

Landscape Consulting for Principal Contractors.

Studio Plum offers expert consultation services for principal contractors, ensuring landscape installations are executed seamlessly. Our team provides invaluable advice to meet required timelines, budgets, and quality standards. With a focus on efficient project management, Studio Plum helps contractors navigate the complexities of landscape design and implementation. Our consultations cover all aspects, from initial planning and design to execution and final inspection, guaranteeing a high-quality outcome. Trust Studio Plum to be your reliable partner in delivering exceptional landscape projects that meet all specifications and exceed expectations.

Unity, Simplicity, Balance.